What Do You Do With That?

We have launched our new vodcast/podcast and they have been seen and heard around the world.  Technology – it is such an amazing tool!  And yet sometimes it can be a hindrance.  I say this because there are times when the evidence right in front of us does not match either what we have always been told, grown up with, or been researched through modern technology.  When something is presented to you that goes against all “What do you do with that?”

This week we had the chance to sit down with Philip Pfanstiel, a wonderful gentleman who we met on our Israel tour. On the trip we had the opportunity to get into some extremely interesting and intense discussions.  He has been a science educator and avid researcher of the oddities for 18 years. 

If you are like me, there are things we learned, like dinosaurs are millions of years old.  They all died at once in an ice age.   Big foot, the loch ness monster, aliens and UFOs are not real.  However, when archeologists and scientists uncover and discover evidence to the contrary… “What do you do with that?” 

For some it can rock their world so much that they completely lose faith, or decide if one thing is incorrect than everything must be wrong.  For others it is easier to ignore than to have to come to terms.  And for others it is an exciting new adventure to explore and see how it all fits in.  We all fall into one of those categories. 

As Christians though it can be challenging to reconcile what we have newly discovered with what the scriptures say or don’t say.  Dinosaurs for example. Where are they mentioned in the Bible?  They are not, not explicitly. The word dinosaur did not even exist until the 1800s, when a famous British scientist, Dr. Richard Owen, coined the name “Dinosauria,” meaning “terrible lizard.” If you would like to learn more about dinosaurs in the Bible, hear some alternate perspectives on the cause of the ice age, and dig into how we might start to reconcile all of that, check out Episode 3 “Are Dinosaurs in the Bible?” with our special guest Philip Pfanstiel.

And yes there are mentions of these creatures in the scriptures, just called different names. And we know they existed because we have their fossils.  So what do we do when we have found evidence to prove that dinosaurs were here after the flood and that they roamed with people for a time? If we have peaked your curiosity about what that evidence might be, check out Episode 4 “Evidence That Will Rock Your World” which is Part 2 of our series with guest Philip Pfanstiel.

Moving away from dinosaurs, let’s take Genesis 6 for example.  What do you do when one word is changed in translation and completely omits an entire event and reason for the flood?  What do you do when the Bible mentions dragons and the fallen angels, yet mainstream Christianity does not want to go there and so these areas are minimized or ignored completely? For a deeper dive into this, watch Episode 2 “Before the Beginning”

What do you do when animals talk and witches bring the dead back for a chat? What do you do when a world is about to be completely deceived from the demonic realm as they disguise as our alien saviors?  So what do we do with all of that and the other obscurities of the Bible? 

We need to go to the author and creator.   God does know the answers and he is ready and willing to tell us if we ask.  He has been exposing and bringing that which has been hidden for millenniums to light.  He has been revealing his truth to men and women at warp speed.  My question to you is in times of uncertainty, questioning or running into something that completely rocks your world, “What do you do with that?” 

I go to the source.  I ask God to show me discernment, and what he wants me to learn.  Why is he exposing this now and what is he asking me to do with this new found information?   The enemy wants nothing more than to keep us in the dark and misinformed. So much so that he will go to unbelievable lengths to keep the deception going.  As Christians we are called to shine the light on the darkness, expose the deception and replace it with truth and to look to our creator for answers. 

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