I know I’m a little late, but as a busy mom I am sure most of you reading this can relate. It has been a whirlwind of a couple of weeks. 

Our youngest just graduated high school. Our middle daughter finished her second year of college and just got an apartment, which needs furnishing. Throw in Mother’s Day and oh Kristen and I just launched our brand new vodcast/podcast, which has been a huge success. Talk about a daunting task! 

So how does one deal with the craziness of life? How do you keep your head above water? And most importantly when you are in the throws of the chaos trying to still prioritize all that HAS to be done, how do you savor those moments and keep from losing YOU? 

You, The person behind or under all of the hats. The person who is frantically running around trying to keep all of the plates spinning and juggled balls from hitting the floor. How does one pause long enough to take a breath, to step back and enjoy the special moments let alone life?

I am sure I’m not alone in this. In fact you are probably asking right now, “How does she know my life?” I get it.  

While I may be looking at empty nest with anticipation for what lies ahead I also know that for many,  you are going…. “How in God’s green earth am I going to handle the kids home from school all summer along with everything else!? And keep my sanity?”

When David penned the words to the 23rd Psalm, it was not during a peaceful, easy time. He was literally on the run. Walking through the “Valley of Shades” the tombs of the giants, aka the valley of the shadow of death; but that will be a vodcast episode. His world was crumbling, and in chaos. It was far from the green pastures and quiet waters we envision. 

Yet even in the crazy turmoil of his current point in life, David knew who was in control. He knew that God, Adonai, was the one looking out for him, guiding his path, sustaining him and giving protection. Even in the whirlwind of David’s life, the sparse grass and little stream of water, he didn’t see what he was lacking.  Instead he took that time to sit by what God had given him. What had been provided, not just physical nourishment but most importantly nourishment for the soul. He was able to carve out time to just be. To find himself, cherish the moment and rest. 

Wherever you are today in all of the craziness, I encourage you to just stop, even for a second. Stop, take a breath. Don’t look at all that HAS to be done. All that has not been completed. 

Instead focus on what joy is waiting right here in the moment. Focus not on what you are lacking, but on what God is providing. And the biggest treasure right now just may be a well deserved break and moment of rest.

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