Obedience. If you are like me that word can bring to mind feeling like a child, or that I don’t have a say in what is happening. It is a word that has always had a somewhat negative connotation around it and has admittedly sparked a little defiance in my mind and heart at times. As both a disciple and apostle of Christ (we are called to be both, but that is a different blog altogether!), I am learning to associate that word with guidance, comfort, strength, trust, and peace. These words have a much better feel to me. What about you?

I knew last week that I needed to write this blog, but something kept me from getting it done and posted. Then, over the weekend I opened a book study that I had been doing before we went to Israel. In the chapter I started back in, it referenced Deuteronomy 28:1-6. When I read those verses, I realized I needed to include those verses in this blog post, and that’s why I hadn’t been able to finish it yet! In summary, Deuteronomy 28:1-6 says God will bless every aspect of your life if you are obedient to Him.

There is a lot of blessing that comes with obedience! I have to admit, though, that I have been working on obedience to God for several years now, and this weekend was the first time I read that verse since being on this journey. My desire for obedience and the fruits of that obedience are what have helped me continue this path.

Maybe we need to back up a little and define what I am talking about when I say obedience. What does it mean to you? For me, in this context, I am talking about obedience to God’s will for my life, living according to His plan. Since starting this journey, I have frequently prayed for God’s guidance and resubmitted my will for His. My go-to prayer is “Your will and not mine, Lord.” I often add that I need Him to be clear with what that is, as I have made it quite clear that when left to my own choices I often choose poorly. And as usual, God is faithful. When I submit to His will for my life, and ask for His guidance in finding it, He shows up. I just have to be looking and listening.

What I have found, when I feel a nudge or a whisper or even a little shove in a certain direction, God is giving me the opportunity to show my willingness to be obedient. Some might say that God is testing me, but I really look at it as He is giving me the chance to show myself that I can listen and follow His directions. The amazing part is, the more I am obedient, the more opportunities arise that allow me to show obedience, the bigger those opportunities become. This is a direct reflection of Luke 16:10, “Whoever is faithful (obedient) in a very little is faithful (obedient) also in much; and whoever is dishonest (disobedient) in a very little is dishonest (disobedient) also in much.” (NRSV) This has allowed me to be a part of work in God’s kingdom that is truly humbling and awe-inspiring and has blessed me far beyond anything I could imagine.

If you are like I used to be, and you cringe a little when you hear the word obedience, I would encourage you to give it another chance. When we are obedient to God, and are following His will for our life, some very exciting things happen. For one, we are filled with a sense of peace and comfort knowing that we are living according to God’s will, so this path will be blessed. We are also emboldened because we have confidence in God’s perfect plan for our life. It really takes the pressure off and allows us to boldly go where we wouldn’t dare go on our own.

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