I’ve got the joy, joy, joy, joy
Down in my heart (Where?!?)
Down in my heart (Where?!?)
Down in my heart!

I remember singing that song growing up, especially at Vacation Bible School, and I loved it. We got to sing loudly and exuberantly! I didn’t know as an adult that sometimes I would again ask “Where?” when looking for joy. Sometimes the answer was more along the lines of “must be really down deep in the depths of my heart.” I would venture that I’m not the only one who has gone on a search for joy as an adult, only to come up empty.

Joy. It seems like such a simple word, and maybe even a simple concept. If you are like me, though, when you start trying to define it you realize it really isn’t quite so simple. Initially you might think of happiness, but then realize that isn’t the same thing. Happiness is more of a state of mind, a choice in the circumstances, and can be as fleeting as a cloud on a windy day. Joy is deeper. It fills your soul. And when you truly find it and experience it through the Spirit, it is as solid as the rock foundations that have been standing in Israel for thousands of years.

How is joy related to living life in the Spirit? I would argue that true joy can only come from living in the Spirit. It isn’t situational. It doesn’t depend on any outside influence. It is truly supplied from within and has no limit. The beauty of it, though, is what happens when it connects with the joy in someone else. It cannot be contained, and actually starts to grow exponentially. Which makes it all the easier to share with others, which helps it to grow even more, and on and on and on!

The interesting thing about joy, though, is people’s reaction to it. It isn’t always what you might think. If two people with joy-filled Spirits connect, people will notice because the joy emanating from them is tangible. Many people who encounter that joy are drawn to it like a moth to a light and want to be included in it. They are able to experience that unbridled, unhinged joy with abandon and glimpse what it’s like to have joy in their Spirit. This will both continue to spread to others and set them on a path to finding that deep, Spirit-filled joy for themselves. And thus, joy begins to spread.

The difficult part, though, is the people who have the opposite reaction. For some, when people get together and start to exude joy, instead of being drawn in, they are repelled and disgusted by it. They will do anything from just looking disapprovingly to actively trying to stop the joy. Sadly, what it means is that something inside of them, be it spiritual, emotional, physical, or some combination, is reacting to where that joy is coming from. Whatever demons they are fighting are make them unable to embrace joy. Healing opens the door and paves the way for joy.

Once you have joy, as long as you continue to choose it, it will sustain you through even the darkest of hours or deepest of valleys. It doesn’t mean you won’t have pain or heartache or difficulties. It means that when you do, you will still be able to find ways to laugh and see the good, to see God at work. Laughter is a sure symptom of joy, and one of the best side effects too.

Penny and I had the pleasure of experiencing the joy phenomena on our trip to Israel. Both of us were at a time when we needed this trip. Aside from the amazing spiritual aspects, and the historical and archeological information we gained, and the exercise we got with all of the walking, we both needed a break. God orchestrated everything so it would happen. Once we got through security at our first airport, the joy started to bubble up and we both leaned into it. And we laughed. And laughed. And laughed some more! On our first flight, it helped us make some new friends, and we heard for the first of many times that they loved hearing us laugh. Day 1 in Israel we were going on almost no sleep, and were possibly a little slap happy, and were not with our bus yet as not everyone had arrived. We made a couple of new friends early on that day, though, and can you guess what they were drawn to? Our laughter and joy!

Starting on Day 2, we were with the group that would become our family on this trip. After we all got on the bus and plopped down, we counted off and were told to sit in the same place each time so we could easily identify if someone was missing. This allowed us to really get to know those around us, and I can promise you it did not take long for the joy to spread! Many people joined us in laughter and levity throughout the trip. That is not to say that we didn’t have deep spiritual experiences, serious discussions, or somber moments. However, we always returned to joy, and often brought others along with us.

This is where joy gets even better. Seeing and hearing about the joy-filled Spirit people were receiving from us, and watching how God was using us and this time to spread joy, brought a much bigger gift. A deep, Spirit-filled joy was returned to me 100-fold. This was an unexpected, humbling, awe-inspiring part of the trip that will forever be nestled deep down in the depths of my heart.

How about you? If you search the depths of your heart and find your joy meter running low, look up. Ask the Spirit to show you what is keeping you from leaning into joy, and to provide opportunities for your healing. Then look around and listen for a couple of laughing ladies. Draw close and allow their joy to go deep down in the depths of your heart.

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