Have you ever thought about yourself as a complainer?  If you are honest then you know if you are.  I used to think that was my gift because I was so good at it.  Actually, if I am honest I am kind of an expert at complaining.  However, a long time ago, I was devastated to find out that nowhere in the Bible is it one of the gifts of the Spirit. On the contrary, the scriptures have a lot to say about grumbling and complaining and it isn’t good. 

Why do we complain?   For starters, if you are like me it starts with the little inconveniences. Then the major annoyances and those flat-out things that make us mad and angry.  In our culture, we want things our way, in our time, without any roadblocks.  So when things do not go smoothly or cause us to have to wait, to be patient, or to do it differently, it can make us uneasy or frustrated.

I think that God uses those times to teach us valuable lessons and maybe even keep us from harm.  Mostly he wants us to focus on Him.  When we are grumbling, is it because the issue is something we should take to God in petition and prayer?  Or are we trying to forge ahead ignoring the direction that God wants us to take?  Let me ask you this, if you were to ask your friends or family, would they say you are never happy, always complaining?  That can be an ouch.

As I said, there are many reasons for grumbling, but not being content is the biggest.  What would it take right now in your life for you to be content?  What would it take for God to be enough?  If we are not content it is because we are trying to fill a deep void, a void where God should reside.  If that void is there then God is not, which means you have not allowed him to be enough for you at this point in time. You are still searching.  God has promised to provide for your needs.  If in your need you ask, he will provide food, shelter, clothing, peace, grace, whatever it is that you are lacking.

For a lot of us, we do not have because we have not asked, and we do not ask because we do not have that personal, one-on-one relationship with our Lord and Savior.  When God becomes as close or closer than your best friend, then you will not have a problem talking to him.  Telling him about your frustrations, your worries, your anxieties, the things that make you angry or scared.  I can guarantee that when we have created that kind of relationship, we will find that the void is filled and the complaining will, well…. not be gone entirely, but you will find yourself in a better place to handle life’s inconveniences and annoyances without grumbling.

For a deeper dive into complaining in the Bible, how the Israelites handled this issue, and what it might take for God to be enough, check out Episode 10 of our vodcast or podcast here!

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