Change!!! Who likes that word??? Well some of us, but depending on what the change is it can be fun or daunting.  I am one of those personalities that quite frankly NEEDS change in my life. The thought of just doing the same thing over and over, every day makes my mind explode.  For me if nothing changes then life becomes stagnant, unfulfilling, and full of lost potential of the unknown that I could have been a part of. However, I know that probably the majority of the population does not find change appealing. 

As I pondered this thought all of the different men and women of the Bible started popping into my mind.  Those who, like me, liked change. Those who bravely stepped out of their comfort zone to do incredible, scary, changey things.  I love how that, after their encounter with God, they experienced MAJOR change.  For some, that meant their very appearance radiated to all that they had been in the presence of God. Others left their homes, their towns, their families, their old pagan ways to follow a God that promised the kind of change that leads to Life Eternal.

During this time of Lent we have been focusing on the Disciples, those men and women who followed Jesus with abandon.  They were willing to allow the daily onslaught of change. However, doing the uncomfortable blessed them with the opportunity to witness first hand miracles untold. People receiving their sight, their hearing, their voice. The lame walking. Those who were emotionally, spiritually, and culturally exiled, brushed off and cast out from society, fully restored and brought back into the fold.  For some they even witnessed the change from death back to life!  What glorious change! 

What are you willing to do for change?  Are you willing to try something different, even if it is something little?  Are you willing to change your routine, the amount of time you spend in the spirit with God, or helping someone in need?  I get that change can be disruptive, it can be hard and uncomfortable especially if we have “always done it like that”.  But if you allow God the space to start a change in you, I can guarantee that you will feel the change in your spirit which will help you adventure into a fuller more rewarding life in the spirit.

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